
Action Points, Reports/Feedback and Assessment procedures for your child

LDT is committed to helping your child achieve their academic targets under the three following areas:


• After a free consultation, LDT will set up a timetable of action for your child.

• LDT action points will highlight and set up the long and short-term goals; targets that need addressing in your child’s learning.

• A curriculum plan will be made that specifically benefits your child. This involves creating schemes of work that are tailored to your child and the areas of their curriculum that need attention.

• The curriculum plan includes any standardised tests that might be applicable.

• Every lesson prepared is geared towards YOUR child alone. This is because LDT believes in a clear differentiated approach when delivering any tutorials.


• LDT will ensure clear, regular and direct lines of communication with you, the parent, or child’s guardian.

• LDT aims to ensure that all parties involved are working towards the same achievable and realistic academic goals for your child.

• LDT is responsible for overseeing the daytime tuition programme and providing you with any necessary evaluative reports where necessary.


• Assessment is carried out to monitor your child’s progress, strengths and areas for improvement.

• Your child will be assessed in accordance with National Attainment Targets (depending upon the country your child is from, the curriculum they are following and their age.)

• It is the responsibility of LDT to measure and assess your child’s progress fairly and accurately in order to establish clear, realistic levels of attainment.

• Under your guidance, it is also LDT’s responsibility to forward all assessment results, progress and development to your child’s school ( if already affiliated to one ) or your child’s new school, once one has been found.